On February 13th at 4 p.m. the Board of Education will hold a Goals and Guardrails Committee Meeting.
Find materials here.

All SDP schools and offices will be closed on Friday, February 14, 2025 in observance of
the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles’ City-Wide Celebration. GO BIRDS!!

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Staff List

Staff MembersJob TitleEmail Address
Rothmiller, TorrencePrincipaltrothmiller@philasd.org
Madison, DevonAssistant Principaldcmadison@philasd.org
White-Green, DarrenClimate Managerdwhitegreen@philasd.org
Zolot, DeborahSchool Counselordzolot@philasd.org
Capers, SemajSchool Counselorscapers@philasd.org
Paley, FayneSpecial Ed Compliance Monitor (SpECM)fpaley@philasd.org
Jefferson, JamilaSchool Nursejjefferson@philasd.org
Atabek, LauraSBTL, Mathlatabek@philasd.org
Stephens, SaffiyahSBTL, ELAsstephens@philasd.org
Alexander, DavidSp Ed Asstdalexander@philasd.org
Anderson, KarimTeacher, Phys Ed/Healthkanderson3@philasd.org
Azore, DeborahSp Ed Asstdazore@philasd.org
Bautista, DimoniqueTeacher, 3rddbautista@philasd.org
Behling, KimberlyTeacher, Speechkbehling@philasd.org
Betancourt, AntoniaTeacher, 4th Math/Sciabetancourt@philasd.org
Blagrove, ElsadaTeacher, 7th-8th Matheblagrove@philasd.org
Brown, Gloria ASp Ed Asstgabrown@philasd.org
Cannon, Guy WTeacher, Musicgwcannon@philasd.org
Cromartie, WandaTeacher, 5th ELA/SSwcromartie@philasd.org
Dixon, RowenaTeacher, ESrdixon@philasd.org
Ferguson, JohngelineSp Ed Asstjohferguson@philasd.org
Fletcher, Monunia PBus Attendantmfletcher@philasd.org
Gilliam, Lena YSecretarylygilliam@philasd.org
Harris, TinaSp Ed Assttharris@philasd.org
Harris - Williams, Traci MTeacher, 6th ELA/SStharriswilliams@philasd.org
Hudson, LorraineFood Svcs Workerlhudson@philasd.org
Jackson, Michelle LTeacher, Life Skillsmjackson@philasd.org
Jones, CierraStudent Climate Staffcjones9@philasd.org
Jones, IvoryStudent Climate Staffiwjones@philasd.org
Jones, TamaraTeacher, 6th Math/Scitsjones@philasd.org
Kline, AllisonTeacher, 2ndakline2@philasd.org
Kline, BethTeacher, Kbrkline@philasd.org
Levine, HannahTeacher, 2ndhlevine@philasd.org
McLaughlin, RickeeSp Ed Asstrdockery@philasd.org
McLoone, Brendan JTeacher, Spec Educationbmcloone@philasd.org
Miles, SheenaTeacher, ESsmiles@philasd.org
Mitchell, WendellBuilding Engineerwmitchell@philasd.org
Murphy, DonaldStudent Climate Staffdwmuprhy@philasd.org
Myers, ChanelSp Ed Asstcnmyers@philasd.org
Neal, DerrickTeacher 7th-8th ELA/SSdneal@philasd.org
Neeld, GabrielTeacher, Artgneeld@philasd.org
Paikoff, MarkTeacher, Digital Literacympaikoff@philasd.org
Parker, FrederickCustodial Assistantfparker@philasd.org
Robinson, JoycetteTeacher, 1stjrobinson5@philasd.org
Robinson, Wade ETeacher, 5th Math/Sciwrobinson@philasd.org
Ross, AmmidahTeacher, Kadross@philasd.org
Ross, TeanaSp Ed Asstteross@philasd.org
Ryder, ReneeSupportive Services Asstrryder@philasd.org
Sams, RussellTeacher 7th-8th ELArsams@philasd.org
Sibert, NakitaSp Ed Asstnsibert@philasd.org
Singleton, KiannaSp Ed Asstksingleton@philasd.org
Stright, BonnieTeacher, 1stbstright@philasd.org
Sutton, SherritaSp Ed Asstssutton@philasd.org
Taylor, RobertTeacher 7-8 Math/Scirdtaylor@philasd.org
Tucker, NicoleTeacher, Life Support Skillsntucker@philasd.org
White, DonnaStudent Climate Staffdonwhite@philasd.org
Wilkerson, Linda GTeacher, 4th ELA/SSlgwilkerson@philasd.org


If a parent needs to contact a teacher:
  1. Send an email or ClassDojo message to your child’s teacher.
  2. Make an appointment to meet with the teacher during their office hours.

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Please complete the form below. An administrator will respond to your concern within 24 hours.


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