"Alone we can do so little...Together we can do so MUCH!"
Parental and Community Support At Hamilton:
We will nurture the existing relationships with our parents and surrounding community based organizations. Effective schools boast positive relationships with these groups. The job of educating the “whole” child is one that cannot be undertaken by the school alone. As a result, existing initiatives will be enhanced while others will be created so that parents and the community can come together and become an integral part of Hamilton’s vision for our children.
Pandemic EBT
The federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act of 2020 provides benefits, referred to as Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT), to families of school-aged children who would have otherwise received free or reduced-priced meals if it were not for school closures.
Families of school-aged children (K-12) in School District of Philadelphia public schools will receive the approximate food benefit amount of $365.00 for each school-aged child in their family. This benefit will be issued in the form of a P-EBT card by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS).
If you already have an active EBT card, the P-EBT funds will be automatically added to your card. You do not need to do anything for this to occur.
If you do not have an active EBT card and your mailing address is correct with the School District you also do not need to do anything to receive your P-EBT card.
If your mailing address with the school District is NOT correct, please provide your current mailing address to ensure proper delivery of your P-EBT card.
You can update your current address by clicking HERE and updating it with the Andrew Hamilton School OR by contacting our school secretary, Mrs. Davis, at 215.690.1397.
You may also click HERE for more information. We are here to assist you in updating your address to ensure that you all receive this resource.
Virtual Live Classes via Google Meet
Educators will continue to provide instruction through live virtual classes, sharing instructional videos, providing work through Google Classroom, iReady, and etc. We ask that you ensure your child logs into their Google Classroom EVERYDAY to make sure that they are completing their assignments and to make sure that they are logging into their virtual classes that are taught by their educators. Please familiarize yourself with your child’s virtual class schedule (click link) and assist them in accessing the classes. If you need any assistance, please contact your child’s educator, contact an administrator (Principal Butler- jcbutler@philasd.org; AP Uthman-Olukokun euthmanolukokun@philasd.org), or text (484) 540-5153 for assistance. Virtual Classes Master Schedule
Class DOJO
Andrew Hamilton School wants to connect teachers, parents, and students in every classroom, and work with them every day to bring the best ideas into their classrooms. ClassDojo will be one of the main methods of contact. If you are not connected to ClassDojo please email AP Uthman-Olukokun at euthmanolukokun@philasd.org for an invitation.
Guardians can also email teachers. Hamilton staff emails can be found HERE.
Family Resources
In order to ensure that students are still learning during this time away from our school building, we have put together a list of resources to support all families and students. Please review these Virtual Learning Resources for Students & Families. Teachers will continue to provide instruction and resources through Google Classroom & ClassDojo.
Chromebook Assistance
The School District of Philadelphia will loan a Chromebook to every District K-12 student who needs one, to ensure all students have access to digital learning opportunities while schools remain closed long-term due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) response efforts. It will also make digital content available to help students retain, learn and apply skills and strategies with the support of a teacher. The loaner program is free however all devices must be returned once schools reopen.
Need help with your District-issued Chromebook? Or haven’t picked one up yet? Click HERE for all pertinent information
Family Academy: Free Virtual Courses & Training
You spoke, we listened! Parent & guardians can now literally #LearnWhereYouLive! Beginning Thursday, May 7, 2020, we’ll be bringing FREE online Family Academy: Courses & Training to you virtually! Join us for sessions that are specifically designed for School District of Philadelphia families to help support their students during the school closure. We are offering virtual courses over Zoom that can be conveniently accessed from any internet enabled computer or mobile device. You can join us from the comfort of your own home! Please find course descriptions, dates, and times utilizing the link below. We hope to see you there! Family Academy Virtual Courses & Training
Uniform Policy:
Please remember that Cramer’s carries our custom items as an OPTION. You can always buy the components of the uniform at any retail vendor that you are comfortable using. (solid navy sweaters, white tops, khaki, bottoms, plain ties…etc..etc) Hoodies are not allowed.
Parent Visitation
Reminder: Parents are prohibited from traveling in the school facility without a staff escort. All parents should escort their students to the school yard and release them to a Hamilton School staff member. For safety reasons, please do not attempt to enter the building during admissions time for breakfast or any other reason short of an emergency. Parents are welcome to make an appointment to meet with their child’s teacher, Dean of Students or principal to address questions or concerns.

Back to School Night!
Volunteer Program at Andrew Hamilton
We greatly value our volunteers, and we are so excited for you to share your special talents and time with our students! Volunteers play a critical role in providing Andrew Hamilton students with the extra resources and services they need to help all students thrive. There are many ways to volunteer at Andrew Hamilton School—download our volunteer brochure for a quick snapshot of how you can start supporting Andrew Hamilton!
All adults wishing to volunteer in the School District of Philadelphia will need to complete a Volunteer Orientation.
Attendance and Tardiness Policies
Good attendance is essential to maintain high academic standards. Perfect and good attendances are recognized at the end of each report card period during Awards Assemblies. Failure to attend school on a regular basis inhibits a student’s ability to meet high academic expectations. Following an absence, children must submit an excuse written by a parent or guardian. If the school does not receive a written excuse note within three days of the student’s return, the absence can be coded as “illegal.” Illegal absences are referred to the Attendance & Truancy Division.
Our school day begins at 8:15 a.m. One of the most valuable life skills a student can learn is taking the responsibilty of arriving at school everyday on time. One of the most important times of the school day is the morning. This is the time when important school news is announced, teachers define their plans for the day, and instructional goals are reviewed and set. The tone of a child’s school day is set in the first part of the day.
Title I Information
Parental Involvement Policy– Helps parents understand and take part in the school’s efforts.
Parent School Compact – States the goals and responsibilities of students, parents and schools.